About me

Hello! I’m Ramon Kok and I like pineapples as big as my head.

I also make cocktails, or koktails, in my home bar in Brisbane, Australia. And the good ones get posted online!

I started Koktailmeister as a personal drink reference where I would save drink recipes that I really liked, so that I could look them up and make them again. Over the years, my list grew into a curated catalogue of step-by-step recipes for delicious drinks. Now Koktailmeister has started taking on a life of its own, and expanded well beyond its original intent. And I love it.

What I do

Making Koktails

I love to combine flavours and make cocktails that pack some serious tastiness! I also like to participate in the @homebarawards and will be a finalist for the third year running in 2022.

Gerrit’s Home

Gerrit is the long-suffering skeleton mascot at Koktailmeister. He has some good times as pictured here, but he has also lost and / or melted his bony limbs in the past. All in the name of koktails!


Koktailmeister partners with brands to develop cocktail recipes and share new ways to enjoy products with existing and prospective customers. If that sounds good, get in touch!

Want to collaborate?

Love a good collab! Hit me up on the Contact page, or just shoot me a message at koktailmeister@outlook.com.